Our Myanmar bag factory has 13 production lines with 700 stitching workers now. USA import bags from Myanmar is zero tariff. We can support USA customers have more competitive price with high quality bags.
To produce high quality bags include backpack bag,diaper bags,laptop bags etc, the materails test is very important. This video is how we check production fabric meet the quality standard we requested as we as approved by our customers.
Kingdo team has excellent experience. We have been working 3 years with this company.We have achieve great product. People is very friendly and responsible.We are very happy to keep working with this company. People is hard working.We get reply immediately.They move fast and we are happy with the result.
Kingdo bag is a manufacture of bags that offer OEM&ODM service to internations brands.With 4 factories across China and Myanmar and over 600 employees,we deliver high end,product develoment and manufacturing.